“Our Eyes Tell Our Story,
But You Are Our Voice”

A Better Way To Celebrate

Dwindling ideas for a birthday or anniversary? Make it more meaningful by giving a gift in their name and supporting Mozart Sympawthy Animal Sanctuary.


Donations don’t need to come from you to have an impact! Host a fundraising event in honor of Mozart Sympawthy Animal Sanctuary. Show these animals some generosity!

Third Party Fundraisers

Third party fundraisers are executed by caring members of the public to benefit Mozart Synpawthy Animal Sanctuary. These include home-based, store-front and online sales.


Our mission at Mozart Sympawthy Animal Sanctuary Inc., Registered Charity, is to provide safe and loving forever homes for the unwanted canines and felines in our surrounding area. We believe through knowledge sharing and kindness we can improve outdated beliefs so that all animals are treated as sentient beings.
One paw at a time.

Foster A Dog

Find out more about the adorable pups waiting for their forever homes.

Foster A Cat

Find out more about the cute little kitties looking for their perfect human.

More Questions? Contact Us!

If you have any other concerns or questions that we can help you get the answers to, please contact us!